Saturday 3 June 2017

No Knead Hokkaido Milk Bread

No Knead Hokkaido Milk Bread:

Tangzhong recipe:

1/4 cup flour

3/4 cup milk

Bread recipe:

1/2 cup warm milk

1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk

2 tsp yeast

2 tbsp sugar

1 tsp salt

2 1/4 cup flour

1/4 cup butter, melted

1 egg


In a saucepan, mix the ingredients for the tangzhong over medium heat until the mixture is at a pudding-like consistency, stirring constantly. Take off the stove and whisk periodically until cooled. Alternatively, you may put it in a bowl, place plastic wrap over it, and stick it in the refrigerator.

For the bread, combine the milk, sweetened condensed milk, and yeast together. Whisk until the yeast dissolves.
Mix in the rest of the ingredients,plus the tangzhong. Cover and place in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours.

After 14 hours,I placed the dough into the bread maker and let it to rise high.Then I choose "bake"setting for 40 minutes until baked.

Immediately,I take it out to let it cooled down before slicing.

Monday 10 April 2017

Bubur Cha Cha

My Bubur Cha Cha don't t have to be so colourful with having to buy many types of colours for the  yam and sweet potatoes.
If I can only find one colour is enough as long as there is a yam and a sweet potatoes to make the dessert which is one of my favourite.It is still a Bubur Cha Cha anyway!
Some folks preferred to boil Bubur cha Cha in a more simple way by putting everything in to boil without having so much fuss as to steam the yam and sweet potatoes first and having to cook the sago and straining.Once the water is boiling,the sago are then added in followed by the sugar and when the yam and sweet potatoes has softened,santan are added last.Simple!Simple!.We only have to take care not to overcooked the yam and sweet potatoes or they will break and not looking nice.


1  yam,abt 270 grams,wash and dice into cubes

 1  sweet potatoes,abt 260 grams,wash and dice into cubes

40 grams sago

80 grams tapioca flour

50 ml hot water

food colouring

200 grams sugar

200 grams coconut santan/milk

3 pandan leaves

1 litre water


Make tapioca jelly by mixing the hot boiling water into the tapioca flour and quickly stir to form a dough.Divide  the dough into two or three portions and put desired colours into each.Cut into small cubes.
In the pan of boiling water,throw the tapioca cubes in to make the jellies.Boil until cooked through or translucent.Transfer into a bowl of cold water.This is just to prevent sticking together.

Steam the yam and sweet potatoes in a steamer or wok till softened but not too soft so that it will breaks.

Next,cooked the sago:
Boiled water enough to cover the sago.When boiled,throw the sago in to cook until translucent.
Put the cooked sago into the sieve to remove water.then,put into a bowl of cold water.

In a medium pot,add in 1.5 litre of water and add in the sugar to boil.Also add in the coconut santan and knotted pandan leaves for fragrant.

Lastly,add in everything.(throw away the sago and jelly water first before adding it in.)


Saturday 25 March 2017

Kolo Chicken Mushroom Mee/Sarawak Kolo Mee

Recently,I craved for chicken mushroom mee and so I decided to make it at home.

This time,I used cooking oil instead of lard to make the shallots oil.

Ingredients for cooking chicken mushrooms:

1 small piece boneless chicken breast,minced
1 can of button mushrooms,cut thinly
6-7 pieces dried mushrooms,soaked and cut thinly.
1/2 tsp shaoxing gourmet wine
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1/2 tsp light soy sauce
1/2 tsp oyster sauce
pinch of salt to taste
1 tsp corn flour + 2 tbsp water,mixed
cooking oil

3 red onions,diced small(take abt 1 tsp for
cooking,the rest set aside for later use of
making the shallots oil for the kolo mee)

1-2 pips garlic,diced small and put together
with the 1 tsp of red onions for frying
chicken mushrooms.

Bundles of Springy Noodles


First,fry the red onions,garlic mixture until slightly brown.

Add in the chicken meat.

Add in dried mushrooms and button mushrooms.

Then add in 1 tbsp dark soy sauce,1/2 tsp salt,1/2 tsp light soy sauce,1/2 tsp gourmet wine and
1/2 tsp oyster sauce to stir.

Add in the water.

Add in the corn water.

Give it a quick stir and dish it out.

Making Shallots Oil:

Heat up some oil.Fry the red onions till brown.Let it cool for later use.

Boil hot water in a big pot  and standby a basin of cold water.

In the meanwhile,while waiting for the water to boil,prepare the bowl of ingredients needed

for making the mee.(You can adjust this according to your taste buds)

Take 2-3 tsps shallots oil,depending on how oily you want your mee to be.Add 1/2 tsp salt,

1/2 tsp monosodium glutamate,1/2 tsp white vinegar,1/2 tsp fish sauce,and some dashes of white pepper.

In the pot of hot boiing water,throw in a handful of mee/springy noodle for about 2-3 mins,then take it out and immerse in the basin of cold water for 3-4 seconds.

After that  bring back to the boiling water.

Another 30  secs and you are ready to make a bowl of Kolo plain noodle/mee.

Lastly,garnish the top of your noodle/mee with the cooked chicken mushrooms and spring onions.

Watch my video:

Thursday 9 March 2017

Beehive Cake/Hong Kong Cake/Honeycomb cake

I've been wanting to post about this cake for a long time but have always hold back until now.
This cake is considered to be an outdated cake.It is known as Beehive/Honeycomb cake because of the texture of the cake that look like the beehive.It is also known as Hong Kong cake.Not sure why it is called like this.

When I was young,I made this cake a lot of times.It was the easiest cake that I can made as well as butter cake.

From time to time,I still craved for this old fashioned cake.So,two days ago,I made Hong Kong cake.

My daughters wouldn't love this cake cos it has got holes that made her goosebumps when she look at it.

The holes has got something to do with the baking soda as you all know it.The goodness of
this cake is it can either be baked or steamed as some preferred.

And here is my old time favourite cake recipe taken from one of my books:


1 cup granulated sugar

1 cup boiling hot water

2 heaping tbsp butter

1 cup sweetened condensed milk

1 cup plain flour

2 tsp bicarbonate soda sifted together with flour

4 eggs

1/2 tsp vanilla


Using medium heat,put the sugar in a wok and fry until melts and brown in colour.Pour in the hot water slowly.Add in the butter to mix.Turn off the fire and leave to cool.

Whip eggs until light and frothy.Stir in sweetened condensed milk and then flour.

Pour in the caramelized sugar.Mix well.

Pour batter into a lined baking sheet tin.

Baked in the pre-heated oven 170°C-180°C for 45 mins to 1 hour depending on your oven.



NOTE: This is an update post.There have been a bit of  mistakes in my previous post.I've given an alternative recipe previously and it is a bit confusing to some people,so now I've
delete the alternative recipe.I apologize for any mistakes that I've made previously.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Pumpkin Loaf with Tangzhong

I've been following Christines's Recipes for a while now.One of the recipe that I've copy through her post is Tangzhong Pumpkin loaf.You can follow her step by step
recipe here: .I think she made it so beautiful.So very eye catching indeed.

I hope you don't mind I shared your recipe here.If you do not wish me to,please tell me so that I can take it down.

120 gm tangzhong
100 gm pumpkin puree
50 gm whisked egg
110 ml milk
40 gm honey
12 gm milk power
½ tsp salt
350 gm bread flour
2 tsp instant dried yeast
25 gm butter, melted

pumpkin seeds, optional, for garnish

1. Add all ingredients (except butter) into a breadmaker, the wet ingredients first, then followed by the dry ingredients: tangzhong, pumpkin puree, egg, milk, honey, milk powder, salt, flour and yeast. (Note: I used to make a small well in the flour, then add the yeast into it.)
2. Select the “dough” mode (refer to the manual of your breadmaker to select the kneading dough programme). When all ingredients come together, add the butter. Knead until the dough passes the window-pane test.
3. After kneading is finished, let the dough complete the 1st round of proofing in the machine, about 40 minutes, until it doubled in size.
4.  Transfer the dough onto a clean floured surface. Deflate and divide into 3 equal portions. Cover with cling wrap, let it rest for 15 minutes at room temperature.
5. Roll out each portion of the dough with a rolling pin into an oval shape. Fold 1/3 from top edge to the middle and press. Then fold 1/3 from bottom to the middle and press. Turn seal downward. Roll flat and stretch to about 30cm in length. With seal upward, roll into a cylinder. With seal facing down, place in the loaf tin. Complete the 2nd round of proofing, until it doubled in size.
6. Brush whisked egg on surface. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds on top. Bake in a pre-heated 180°C (356°F) oven for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and transfer onto a wire rack. Let cool completely

Mine turned out soft and fluffy as well although not as beautiful as Christine's one.Actually,it is yellow in colour,but the look of the pictures don't tell it all.Poor camera.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Pandan Chicken

This is the authentic dish of Thailand.
Many years ago I visited a friend's house.Her mother had made some delicious pandan chicken and she asked me to have lunch with them.It was the first pandan chicken that I had ever tasted.Yum! Yum!.Of late,when I was making these I quickly recall the days when I had  lunch with my friend and her family at her home.That was the only time I had eaten pandan chicken.

Now I've grown to like pandan chicken even more..


300g bite-sized chicken

2 shallots

2 garlics

2 lemon grass

1 tsp light soya sauce

1 tsp ground turmeric

1 tsp salt

1 tbsp. sugar

1 tsp fish sauce

1 ttbsp oyster sauce

1 tbsp. corn flour

thick coconut milk

enough pandan leaves

cooking oil for deep-frying

Seasons the chicken with the seasonings above.Keep it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Take it out.Wrap each chicken pieces with the pandan leaf.Secured the leaf with a tooth-pick.

Dip-fried in hot oil until chicken is cooked through.

Serve with preferable sauce.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Green chicken Curry

Since I already found green chillies,I decided to cook green curry chicken today for lunch.It has been my "To do list" if ever I found green chillies in store.This is not what I get to eat everyday,but once in a while and this is my first time too.Chillies are always out of my menu.
So,here I am making green chicken curry at home and lunch with my kids and a take away for my other kid who is in school.A little black peppercorns added in to it would be nice,but I've added in black pepper powder instead.I've forgotten that I do have a bottle of peppercorn store inside the kitchen shelf.



6 very long and big green chillies
Extra green chillies if preferred to look more green

2 stalk lemon grass
1 thumb size ginger
20g belacan/shrimp paste
1 tbsp. coriander seeds
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp black pepper powder/peppercorns

2 tbsps. cooking oil

1 medium size chicken breast(cut small)
2 potatoes(peeled off skin,diced into cube)
1-1/2cups of water
200ml packet coconut milk
salt to taste

coriander or basil leaf for decorating


1.  Heat up oil,fry ingredients from A till fragrant.Put in the chicken and potatoes.

2.  Add the water in,then cover and simmer till the potatoes turned soft and the chickens are tender.

3.  Add in the coconut milk,follow by salt to taste,about 1 tsp.Bring to boil again for about 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

4.  Serve hot with rice.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Banana Bread Machine

I've been making banana bread for four days?That's four times!.

This may sound crazy but it's true,it's me, who do not want the bananas to go to waste.Four days ago,as I was strolling in the night market,usually on Thursday and Friday,I saw three bunch of bananas that were priced at a very low price.I bought it home but there was no way we could finish it all.Banana as we all know cannot last very long.Before it turns black why not make it into a banana bread or banana cake?

So,this explained why I keep on making banana bread.At first,I started off making a smaller one,then  a much bigger and moist one.The moist one is almost the same like the banana cake.

 At first I used the bread maker to do the mixing,but I noticed that the bread maker didn't do the mixing well.Patches of flour were seen at the bottom of the bread.For the rest of the bread making,I mixed the ingredients  in a separate bowl first,then transfer the batter into the bread maker and choose the bake setting.If you were to throw everything into the bread maker,make sure to use a spatula to mix it well so that no flour can be seen on the bread after you lift it up from the pan.


Small Loaf

2 large eggs
1/3 cup corn oil
1/8 cup milk
2 bananas,mashed
1-1/3 cups bread flour
2/3 cup sugar
1-1/4 tsps. baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt


Mix everything together in a mixing bowl until smooth.Using a spatula,scrape the batter into the pan of the bread maker.Choose the "Bake" setting and bake for 40 minutes.

Big Loaf

4 large eggs
2/3 cup corn oil
1/2 cup milk
6 ripe bananas(cos I wanted more bananas)
1-1/2 tbsps. of instant coffee
2-2/3 cups bread flour
1-1/3 cup sugar
2-1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt

Use the same method as above.Bake for 55-60 minutes.

Monday 26 September 2016

Chocolate and Cream Cheese Cupcakes

Cheese Cupcakes

225g cream cheese
1/3 cup sugar
1 egg
pinch of salt
1 cup chocolate chips


3 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2/3 cup cocoa powder
2 tsps. baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 cups water
2/3 cup veg oil
2 tbsps. white vinegar
2 tsp vanilla extract



In a mixing bowl,throw in creamcheese,egg,sugar,and salt.

With a handheld mixer,cream until creamy and fluffy.Then add in the chocolate chips and quickly stir.


In another bowl,sift flour, baking soda and cocoa powder.Add in the sugar,salt,water oil,vanilla and vinegar.Beat till smooth.

Fill the chocolate mixture into the paper cups half full.Put a level tablespoon of creamcheese into the centre of each cupcakes.

Bake in the preheated oven 180 degree celcius or 350 degree farenheit for 20 to 25 minutes.

When done,take out from the oven and let it cool down before eating.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Pulut Panggang

My daughter loves to eat pulut panggang.Whenever we passed by hawkers stalls,she'll ask me to buy.
I try to make my own pulut panggang because I've the recipe from the book by Agnes Chan.Making pulut panggang need to use the banana leaves and I've no problem with that since my next door neighbor grew bananas and the banana trees was planted right in front of our house.She told me to get some if I ever needed it.Thanks to her that now I can make my own pulut panggang.
Pulut panggang requires glutinous rice.
Pulut is the glutinous rice and panggang means grilled,hence the name "pulut panggang" (grilled glutinous rice.It is wrapped in banana leaves and then left to grill(panggang)You can either have a choice of leaving it plain or with fillings.Both are very fragrant and I like both.

So here is the recipe:

Glutinous rice:
300g glutinous rice,washed and soaked for 4 hrs and drained
1/2 coconut,squeezed-180ml coconut milk
1 tsp salt
2 pieces pandan leaves,knotted

(A) pounded
6 shallots
4 pips garlics
6 dried chillies,soaked
1 stalked lemon grass,sliced
4 tbsps. dried prawns,soaked

1 tsp belacan powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder(kunyit)
1/2 white grated coconut
3 tbsp. oil


1 tsp ikan bilis(anchorvy)stock granules
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt to taste

16 pieces softened banana leaves(20cm x 15cm)
a stapler


1.Glutinous rice:Put all ingredients into a steaming tray and steam with high heat until cooked(about 45 minutes).Remove and fluff up the rice.Divide into 16 parts.
2.Filling:Heat up oil,saute pounded ingredients.belacan powder and kunyit powder until fragrant.Add coconut and seasoning.Mix well.Dish up.
3.Shape 1 part glutinous rice into a 10cm x 5cm rectangle on the banana leaf.Put 2 tsp filling into the  center.Roll up tightly .Staple both ends of the banana leaf.Trim to the same size.
4.Grill and serve.


Written and posted by:

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Hainanese Chicken Rice

This time the chicken rice that I made is the hainanese chicken rice.This is the time of when I can't  think of" what's cooking for lunch or dinner"?.A simple steamed chicken rice or bak kuk teh is the best choice to make.Sometimes it's roasted chicken,like Kenny's Rogers.

I could have just roast the chicken,but no way!The weather are so hot out there.Hence,I steamed the chicken.

I've been to Melaka not long ago,and there along Jonker's Street I saw long lines of people queing out to buy chicken rice balls.I didn't get to eat,but I went to another shop to eat instead.I had to say it doesn't taste great.The rice were plain and tasteless other than the cute small balls.Were the long qued shop worth waiting for?Does it taste great?Time will tell when I visit Melaka again.Anyone knows?

Now the recipe for the chicken rice:


1 whole chicken(1 1/2 kg size or slightly bigger)
2 slices ginger
1 stalk spring onion
2 shallots

3 cups Jasmine rice or any rice
3 tbsps. sesame oil
2 shallots,crushed
3 slices ginger,pounded
4'2 cups chicken stock from the soup
2 tbsps. chicken granules
1 tsp salt


1.  Prepare ready a pot of boiling water for boiling the chicken.

2.  Wash clean the chicken and pat dry.Rub salt all over the chicken.Stuff gingers and shallots into the cavity of the chicken.

3  .Immerse chicken into the pot of boiling water.Make sure the water is enough to cover the whole chicken.Bring to boil.Lower the fire.Boil until it is done.Let the chicken soak in the chicken stock for about 20-25 minutes.

4,  Take the chicken out and plunge the chicken into a basin of cold water.

5.Hang it up to drip the water.

Now cook the rice using the chicken stock soup.

1.  Heat up oil and fry the shallots and ginger till fragrant and slightly brown.Add in the jasmine rice,chicken granules and salt.Stir well to mix.

2.  Put into the rice cooker.Add the chicken stock soup.Drip some sesame oil for fragrant.Bring to cook.

3,  When the rice is cooked,switch off the cooker.Fluff up the rice.

Chilli Sauce:

10 red chillies
5 pips garlics
1/2 tsp sugar
some vinegar

Pound the chillies and garlics and add in sugar and some vinegar to mix.

Serve the chicken rice with the chilly sauce and sweet soy sauce.


I try making German cookies with different colours. This recipe is the same as I've used in dog German cookies. These are irresi...