Thursday 6 October 2016

Banana Bread Machine

I've been making banana bread for four days?That's four times!.

This may sound crazy but it's true,it's me, who do not want the bananas to go to waste.Four days ago,as I was strolling in the night market,usually on Thursday and Friday,I saw three bunch of bananas that were priced at a very low price.I bought it home but there was no way we could finish it all.Banana as we all know cannot last very long.Before it turns black why not make it into a banana bread or banana cake?

So,this explained why I keep on making banana bread.At first,I started off making a smaller one,then  a much bigger and moist one.The moist one is almost the same like the banana cake.

 At first I used the bread maker to do the mixing,but I noticed that the bread maker didn't do the mixing well.Patches of flour were seen at the bottom of the bread.For the rest of the bread making,I mixed the ingredients  in a separate bowl first,then transfer the batter into the bread maker and choose the bake setting.If you were to throw everything into the bread maker,make sure to use a spatula to mix it well so that no flour can be seen on the bread after you lift it up from the pan.


Small Loaf

2 large eggs
1/3 cup corn oil
1/8 cup milk
2 bananas,mashed
1-1/3 cups bread flour
2/3 cup sugar
1-1/4 tsps. baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt


Mix everything together in a mixing bowl until smooth.Using a spatula,scrape the batter into the pan of the bread maker.Choose the "Bake" setting and bake for 40 minutes.

Big Loaf

4 large eggs
2/3 cup corn oil
1/2 cup milk
6 ripe bananas(cos I wanted more bananas)
1-1/2 tbsps. of instant coffee
2-2/3 cups bread flour
1-1/3 cup sugar
2-1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt

Use the same method as above.Bake for 55-60 minutes.

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