Wednesday 23 January 2019

Chocolate Fudge Cake

200g butter

300g castor sugar

Ingredients(A)-Sieve together

240g plain flour

11/4tsp baking powder

1/2tsp bicarbonate soda

50g cocoa powder

Ingredients (B)-Mixed Well

1/2tsp vanilla essence

150ml evaporated milk

3 large eggs

Chocolate Fudge:

200g cooking chocolate

50g butter


..Combine the sieved flour ingredients(A) and sugar.Add the mixture to the butter and mix well.

..Fold in the beaten egg mixture(B)slowly until the batter is smooth.

..Pour the batter into baking tray.Bake in pre-heated oven 170°C for 30-40 mins or until cake is     cooked.Leave to cool.

Spread fudge on top of the cake.


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