Saturday 2 September 2017

Pandan Ogura Cake

Pandan Ogura Cake(2))

This is my second time making pandan ogura cake but from a different recipe source and much bigger than the first one.

This was adapted from

The cake is as soft as can be.It tasted like pandan chiffon cake.This pandan ogura cake uses milk whereas the other recipe uses coconut milk.You can check it here:

Lined the cake tin with parchment paper.


5 egg yolks + 1 whole egg

65g corn oil

95g fresh milk

1/4 tsp salt

70g cake flour(sifted)

2 tsp pandan juice

a pinch of green colouring

5 egg whites

70g sugar


1.  Beat egg yolks with a whisk.

2.  Add in corn oil,fresh milk and salt.Mix well.

3.  Add in sifted cake flour and pandan juice.Add in a pinch of green colouring.

4.  Beat egg whites to soft peak.

5.  Add in sugar gradually,begin with a small amount.Once foamy,continue to add in                    gradually as you beat.Beat till stiff peak formed.

6.  Take 1/3 white mixture to yolk mixture.Fold well. Then pour into the rest of the white               mixture. Fold well.

7.  Pour into the lined cake tin.(8").Use a spatula to smooth the surface.Bang it lightly to            release excess air.

8.  Use water-bath method to bake the cake in the oven at 150°C for 60 minutes or when          when a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.

9.  Take the cake out of the oven and invert on a wire rack.Remove the paper and let to               cool.

10. Slice the cake or chilled in the refrigerator overnight for a better flavour.


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