Tuesday 26 July 2016

Hainanese Chicken Rice

This time the chicken rice that I made is the hainanese chicken rice.This is the time of when I can't  think of" what's cooking for lunch or dinner"?.A simple steamed chicken rice or bak kuk teh is the best choice to make.Sometimes it's roasted chicken,like Kenny's Rogers.

I could have just roast the chicken,but no way!The weather are so hot out there.Hence,I steamed the chicken.

I've been to Melaka not long ago,and there along Jonker's Street I saw long lines of people queing out to buy chicken rice balls.I didn't get to eat,but I went to another shop to eat instead.I had to say it doesn't taste great.The rice were plain and tasteless other than the cute small balls.Were the long qued shop worth waiting for?Does it taste great?Time will tell when I visit Melaka again.Anyone knows?

Now the recipe for the chicken rice:


1 whole chicken(1 1/2 kg size or slightly bigger)
2 slices ginger
1 stalk spring onion
2 shallots

3 cups Jasmine rice or any rice
3 tbsps. sesame oil
2 shallots,crushed
3 slices ginger,pounded
4'2 cups chicken stock from the soup
2 tbsps. chicken granules
1 tsp salt


1.  Prepare ready a pot of boiling water for boiling the chicken.

2.  Wash clean the chicken and pat dry.Rub salt all over the chicken.Stuff gingers and shallots into the cavity of the chicken.

3  .Immerse chicken into the pot of boiling water.Make sure the water is enough to cover the whole chicken.Bring to boil.Lower the fire.Boil until it is done.Let the chicken soak in the chicken stock for about 20-25 minutes.

4,  Take the chicken out and plunge the chicken into a basin of cold water.

5.Hang it up to drip the water.

Now cook the rice using the chicken stock soup.

1.  Heat up oil and fry the shallots and ginger till fragrant and slightly brown.Add in the jasmine rice,chicken granules and salt.Stir well to mix.

2.  Put into the rice cooker.Add the chicken stock soup.Drip some sesame oil for fragrant.Bring to cook.

3,  When the rice is cooked,switch off the cooker.Fluff up the rice.

Chilli Sauce:

10 red chillies
5 pips garlics
1/2 tsp sugar
some vinegar

Pound the chillies and garlics and add in sugar and some vinegar to mix.

Serve the chicken rice with the chilly sauce and sweet soy sauce.

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