Saturday 7 April 2018

How To Make Roselle Drink

This is roselle drinks.Last week I went to the night market and this red,beautiful fruits caught my attention.I then ask the woman selling this to confirm whether this is roselle and she said yes.I was told by the woman that it can be made into juice and jam and many other uses.
To find out more,read here:

I've ever heard of roselle but don't know much about it except that it can be made into drinks and a relative of mine had once grown plenty at her backyard.
Happily,I bought the roselle back and immediately went to the kitchen to cook.The woman told me to de-seed first,that is take the seed out from the red calyx and boil only the calyx with a pot of water and add in some sugar for sweetness and taste.

Above is a short clip showing how I made my roselle juice.


25 roselle(calyx)

1400 ml of water

5 tbsps castor sugar


1.After deseed,boil the calyces(roselle) in a pot of water.

2.Add in sugar and continue boiling for 30 minutes.The water will turned red.

3.Leave to cool and chilled in the fridge.After chilling,the drinks will taste nicer.

Ermm......It taste like ribena.

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