Wednesday 16 September 2015

Yew Char Kway

As I was searching online for yew char kueh recipe,I found out that many of the recipes have ammonia and alum added.It sounds scary to me.I'd known about alum.I used that when I have gum problem,but ammonia sounds like chemical things to me.Both ammonia and alum are out for me.
I kept on searching and finally,I found one that minus the two things.It was from a vietnamese woman named Helen.Actually,I'd tried wantanmien one from Hong Kong but the recipe didn't work for me.So,here I stick to Helen.I'd tried twice.You can watch her on youtube.OR here:
The dough have to kept kneading and resting for four times.In the final times,it had to rest for at least 4 hours.I don't have any problem with that.I go fetch my kids home and then come back in time to continue.

Here goes her recipe:
500 g all purpose flour(10-11% protein)
300 ml water at room temperature
10 g baking soda
5 g baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar

Here's what Helen advise:
If protein % of flour is lower than 10 % use less water,between 250-300 ml.If want more crispy,use 5 g baking soda and 5 g baking ammonia to replace baking soda and baking powder in recipe. 

1.Place baking powder and baking soda in 2 separate small bowls.Take out from the measured water 50 ml(3 tbsps) water and add into each bowl.Stir well to dissolve.
2.Place the flour in a big mixing bowl.Add salt and sugar.Mix well.Make a well in 
the middle and pour the liquid from the bowls and the rest of the water into the well.
Stir well with a spatula until the flour absorbs all the liquid.Then knead with your 
hand for just 1-2 minutes until a rough dough is formed.Cover and let it rest for 20 minutes.

3.After resting for the first time,take out and knead for 1-2 minutes.The surface of the dough becomes smoother,but still not 100 % smooth.Cover and rest for another 20 minutes for 
the second time.

4.Repeat the process one more time.Take out and knead for 1-2 minutes. The surface of the dough now becomes very smooth. Cover and let it rest for another 20 minutes for the third time'

5.Take out and knead for a few more strokes. Then roll the dough flat to a thickness of 1cm (1/2 inch). Cover with a slightly damp cloth and let it rest for 4 hours. Make sure you let it rest long enough (minimum 2.5 hours and maximum 4 hours)

6.After resting 4 times, roll the dough flat to a thickness of 0.5 cm (1/4 inch). Cut into 8-10cm (3-4-inch) bands, and then cut each band into 2.5cm (1-inch) strips.

7. Dip a bamboo skewer in water and press down in the middle of each dough piece lengthwise. Do that for just half of them, and then stacked the other pieces on top to form pairs. Then use the same skewer to again press down in the middle of the pieces on top lengthwise.

8. Fill a large wok/frying pan with at least 2-inch vegetable oil. Heat the oil to 180°C/360°F, or until you stand a dry wooden chopstick in the center of the wok and see bubbles appear steadily around it. Lower the heat to medium and start deep-frying. 

9.Quickly pick up one dough pair (use both hands to hold near the ends), stretch out to double the length and carefully drop into the hot oil. The dough will float to the surface in a second. Use chopsticks or tongs to keep flipping the dough until it puffs up into the shape of the fried breadstick that we normally see. Deep-fry until it turns golden brown. Then let it rest on a rack or paper towel to drain off the excess oil. It’s easier to manage if you fry one at a time. If the pieces stick too tight together, use chopsticks to loosen a little, so that it has enough room to rise and puff up.(very tricky,I'm not skilled)

So,that is how I followed her recipe and steps in making a perfect yew char kway,though
not so perfect yet.I have to give myself a few more tries.

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