Sunday 18 September 2022



This is one of our favorite desserts in the olden times. It is not hard to cook. It is very easy and simple. The peas need to be soaked first so that it can be soft very easily and quickier. The cooking time will also be shortened.

Most people will say this is a breakfast snack, but for me and my family will be an afternoon snack because we are freer in the afternoon than in the morning. By all means, this dessert or snack can be for morning, afternoon, and evening or even late-night supper. It always goes well with Yew Cha Kwai(breadstick).


300 g green peas without skin/ yellow peas

3 yew cha kwai

3 pandan leaves knotted

200 g sugar(50g more if you want it to be sweeter)

2 liters water

2 -3 tbsps potato or tapioca starch + 1/2 cup of water to mix


1.  Wash and soak the yellow peas for about 2-3 hours. Drain the water. Put on steaming tray and steam  

     on high heat until soft.

2.  Put sugar, water, and pandan leaves in a big pot and bring to the stove to boil until sugar has dissolved.

3.  Lower the heat and add in the yellow peas, followed by the potato or tapioca starch liquid.

4. Serve hot immediately after cooking and sprinkle some Yew Cha Kwai on top. It is nicer this way but do take care not to burn your tongue. The Yew Cha Kwai will soften in the hot desert.


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