Wednesday 18 April 2018

Fried Radish-Yam Cake

I love this triangle-shaped kueh all through my childhood and adult years till now.One of my favourite local fritters.Some are shaped in square.

My children also love to eat this kueh.Whenever they see stalls selling,they will point at it
and ask to buy.


150g radish-shredded

150g yam-shredded

30g dried prawns

1 clove garlic


salt/sugar to taste

some dash of white pepper



1 cup rice flour

1/2 cup water plus 1 cup hot boiling water

Method For cooking:

1.Heat up 2 tbsps cooking oil.Fry the dried prawns and garlic.

2.Add in the radish and yam.Cook until softened.Dish up and set aside.

Method For The Batter:

1. In a bowl,mix rice flour with 1/2 cup of water.Add the seasonings in.Stir to a smooth 

2.In a pot of hot boiling water,pour the flour batter in to mix until it thickens.

3.Now,mix the batter to the radish and yam.Mix well.

4.Brush baking tray with some oil.Pour the mixture in spreading with the back of a spoon.

5.Steam in the wok of boiling water at medium heat for 20 minutes until cook.

6.Take out and leave to cool.When it is already cooled,cut into triangle or square shape.

7.If you want to dip-fried,pour enough oil into the wok so that you can dip-fried the batter.

8.For not so crispy type,just use a few tablespoons of oil in a non-stick pan and fry the batter
   until it turns brown,turning on both sides.

If you only fry it with little oil,it will become like the picture above.

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