Tuesday 8 August 2017

Creamy Golden Butter Chicken

Each time when our family go out for dinner,my son would ordered butter chicken  or even sometimes butter prawns.It was seldom a miss for him.I had never try cooking butter prawns or chicken at home.Last Saturday,we went out for dinner and ordered again.It was very nice and this has prompted me to try cooking it at home.So Sunday here I come,cooking butter chicken at home.

At first it was hard to find curry leaves.Then hubby found for me bunches.(picture above)Thanks to hubby I can cook butter chicken at home.Without the curry leaves,I don't think the dish would be significant and aromatic.Instead of coating the chicken with flour,I used custard powder so that the chicken would look golden and nice in colour and tasty too.


320g boneless chicken breast

1 cup custard powder for coating


1 tbsp corn flour

1 egg,beaten

a pinch or more of knorr chicken cubes

1 tsp salt

Creamy sauce:

1-11/2 tbsps butter

1 tbsps red onions/garlics

2 red chillies

4 sprig curry leaves

1/2 tbsps sugar or to taste

1/2 tsp salt or to taste

3/4 cup evaporated milk

oil for deep-frying the chicken


1. Cut chicken into small bite sizes or cubes.Marinate the chicken with corn flour,egg ,knorr

 chicken cubes and salt for an hour to one hour.

2.  Cut chillies,onions and garlics small. Wash the curry leaves clean.

3.  Heat oil in a wok.Coat the chicken pieces with the custard powder.

4.When smoke comes out,deep-fried the chicken pieces until cooked.Dish it up and

 put aside. 

5. In a clean wok,heat the butter and fry the onions,garlics,chillies and curry leaves until

 fragrant. Add in the evaporated milk. Add in the salt and sugar to taste.Then add in the  

chicken.Stir for a while and dish it up onto a serving plate.

6. Serve hot with rice.

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