Tuesday 21 June 2016

Portuguese Egg Tarts

On a lazy Sunday afternoon,and that was yesterday,I made 11 flaky portuguese egg tarts and a nice soft chiffon cake.Everyone was celebrating Father's Day yesterday.This wasn't for Father's Day though.

When searching for recipe,I found that almost every sites had the same ingredients.I will have to simply choose one and I chose the one from Helen's Recipe because I like her idea of the plus incision.It's so much easier. http://danangcuisine.com/?p=4652

She only made 9 tarts but I made 11 tarts.I don't know how I did it.Somehow my crust must have been thinner than hers,but it's alright because it was still yummy and flaky to the feel.I used up the excess trim edges in fact.

The pastries has to keep resting for a few hours before it can finally be used.I made it the night before and kept it in the fridge to be used later.It can even stored up to 1 week.

All in all,it took about three and a half hours for me to finished making these yummy and crunchy portuguese egg tarts and only to know that it can be finished in a jiffy except two which I kept for my elder son who wasn't at home during that time.

I follow step by step Helen's recipe:


100 g butter
130g all purpose flour
1/8 tsp salt
80 ml water


250 ml milk

50 g sugar

1 tbsp corn starch


1.  In a mixing bowl, mix together all-purpose flour with a pinch of salt and water. Mix with a spatula until the flour absorb all the liquid and then knead with your hands until the dough comes together.

2.  Make a plus incision on top of the dough ball and pull way the 4 chops to make it look like a flower. Then put it back into the mixing bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let it rest for 15 mins.

3  .Cut the butter into smaller chunks and then spread it out in a plastic bag to form a nice rectangular. Use your fingers to press the butter to distribute it evenly into the plastic bag, forming a rectangular into the size about 10x17 cm Fold the bag nicely and place the butter into the freezer for 5-10 mins.

4.   Flour the working surface and also a long rolling pin. Take out the dough and roll it flat. Roll out the 4 chops into the longer petals. Roll out the piece of dough flat and large enough so that it can cover the piece of butter. Unwrap the butter and place it right in the middle. Then fold the 4 petals, making sure that it completely covers the piece of butter.

5.  Wrap it up in a piece of food plastic wrap and then place in the fridge to chill for 20-30 mins. Do not shorten the waiting time by putting it in the freezer.

6.  Flour the working surface again, unwrap the dough and roll it flat to the thickness of 0,3cm. Keep the dough in the rectangular shape. Always flour the working surface, the rolling pin and the dough to avoid sticking. Fold the dough in fourth, cover in plastic wrap and chill in the fridge for another 20 mins. After that, take it out and repeat the process one more time.

7.  Now instead of folding it, roll it into a log, then cover in plastic wrap again and let it rest in the fridge for 2 hours. This can be stored in the fridge for a couple of weeks so feel free to prepare it the day before.

8.  Combine 250ml milk, 50g sugar, 1 tbsp corn starch, 60ml cream and 2 egg yolks in a small saucepan. Use a whisk to break up the yolks and give it a good stir. Turn on the stove to medium low heat and gradually heat the mixture while constantly stirring with a spatula until it gets thicker(I used wooden spoon)

9.  Turn off the heat and put the pan on waterbath. Add in the vanilla extract to mix.

10.  Unwrap the dough and divide it into nine equal potions. Flatten it out into a round disc and then shape it into the molds. Trim off the excess. Gently pour the egg and milk mixture into the molds.

11. Bake at 250° C for 25 mins. (mine took 30 mins)Take out to cool on a wire rack.

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