Thursday 24 September 2015

Teochew Mooncake

This is my first try of spiral teochew mooncakes,and it doesn't look any spiral to me.The fillings consists of purple sweet potato instead of yam.I couldn't find yam.Substitute first.
Try the yam one later. The skin are not sweet,to the disappointment of my children.

 Pastry recipes adapted from magazine.

Ingredients A

240 g high protein flour,sieved
1 tbsp castor sugar
130 ml water
50 g shortening
1 tsp lime juice

Ingredients B

240 g superfine flour,sieved
170 g shortening

Filling recipe by me:

375 g purple sweet potato
90 g sugar
30 g wheat starch
20 ml water
50 g coconut milk
40 ml veg oil

1.Peeled the skin of the sweet potato and cut into cubes.Steam till softened.While it is still hot,put sugar and mix.Mashed with a fork.Mix the wheat starch with the water and pour to the sweet potato.Add the coconut milk and oil and stir to a smooth paste.Cover and chill in the fridge.


1.Mix ingredients A together.Leave for 20 minutes.Divide into 8 portions.
2.Mix ingredients B together.Divide into 8 portions.
3.Flatten dough A.Put dough B onto it and wrap it up.Flatten length-wise.Roll it like a swiss
roll.Flatten again length-wise.Cut into half and stack up. Flatten length-wise and roll like
a swiss roll again.Leave for 10 minutes.Divide into 2.This makes 16 portions.
4.Flatten one skin and put the fillings in.Wrap it out.Repeat the rest till finished.
5.Bake in a preheated oven 170°C for about 20-25 minutes till slightly brown.You can also 
deep-fry if no oven.

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