Thursday 26 September 2013

Celebrating moon cake festival

 It's that time of the year again,where the chinese people celebrated the mid-autumn festival.That is also called the moon cake festival.Moon cake festival falls on the 15th day on the 8th month of the Lunar Calendar.However,in these modern age,I don't get to see many people hanging lanterns around their houses anymore.Youngsters today,went out to a special place instead, to have fun with playing the lanterns.One special place that I know of is the "friendship park" in Kuching here.If you live in Sarawak,Malaysia,you will know which place I'm talking about.
People of all walks of life came here to hang lanterns on the trees.The trees are being decorated with colourful lanterns.It was a beautiful night.I met my old friends here.

Perhaps, the most interesting thing of all is the sky lanterns,also known as Gu Ming Teng,in chinese.The night sky were filled with this orange lanterns.Some people say this is a wish lantern.Make a wish before flying it high in the sky.I was scared out of wits of these sky thing.The flame was so big,and I feel danger coming in,like the wind gonna blow the thing down and burned a whole house,but it never happen.It's just my imagination!Still,people got to play it in a proper way!

From far,it looks like stars shining from above the sky,but no kidding,it was actually the sky lanterns.

The night before,I had it celebrated at home.It was the second time I did it at home.The very first time was a very long time ago when my kids were still small.It was at my old house.This year,I decided to do it once again to lighten the mood of everyone.I bought quite a lot of mooncakes.

This chocolate mooncake are not so nice.I prefer the lotus paste

This blog was posted late because I cleaned my whole house.

Celebrated on the 19th day of september,2013
Posted on today,26th september,2013

How time flies!

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